A new report was released by the Government on Wednesday detailing how the current system of Direct Provision in Ireland should be abolished. A new much more liberalised system is recommended to be put in its place at a time when the Irish people are in a full-scale pandemic caused by having open borders.

Highlights from the report include: 

“After 3 months in the reception centre, applicants should move to own-door accommodation under the responsibility of the local authorities.”

Local authorities are already having immense difficulty housing those who currently live here, with a figure of over 10,000 homeless often cited. Will those Irish homeless be able to apply for the ‘own-door’ accommodation in this new system? Or will we continue to see refugees leapfrog those on the housing waiting list as done under the Irish Refugee Protection Programme?

“To enable applicants to live in the community, the weekly allowances currently paid should be replaced by a housing allowance modelled on the Homeless Housing Assistance Payment (HHAP) and access to social assistance payments equivalent to the range of income supports (e.g. Supplementary Welfare Allowance, Child Benefit) available to Irish citizens.”

This amounts to an incentivised open borders policy for anyone in the third-world who can come up with a good sob story, such as the ‘gay’ male asylum seeker who was convicted, though not deported, for raping a Waterford woman.

It should also be mentioned that the Housing Assistance Payment is a cynical scheme which benefits landlords and vulture funds by giving rental tenants taxpayer funds to pay ever higher rents. State-built housing for the Irish public, not private profiteers, is a better solution.

“The right to work should be granted to any applicant for protection who has not yet received a final decision on their application within 3 months of making an application for protection.”

The original purpose of Direct Provision was that applicants would not compete with Irish citizens in the housing and labour markets. However the rental and recruitment agencies are no doubt delighted at the idea of having a subsidised third-world rental-labour plantation brought to Ireland. 

The mass influx of non-Irish will be used to further depress wages and to create easily exploitable labour. The beef barons will continue to operate their grind factories with a bottomless floor, anyone who agitates for better pay or conditions can be simply replaced by the next person off the plane, no PPS number required. The liberal Left who make it all possible will cheer on this report, yet be none the wiser as to why their liberal social values lead to lax labour laws and horrific working conditions.

The pandemic alone will have the most severe social and economic consequences in living memory, and this new proposal will rub salt in the wound. How can Ireland fulfil its ‘international obligations’ if we are failing our national obligations right now?

“A one-off case-processing approach should be set up to reduce the current backlog of cases. A simplified, case by case procedure should apply to anyone who has been more than two years in the system by the end of 2020. After security vetting, this cohort should be given leave to remain for 5 years without prejudice to their application for protection.”

This effectively amounts to blanket amnesty for all existing asylum seekers who have been in the country for longer than two years. This is despite the fact that in 2016, 90% of asylum seekers were refused refugee status, which suggests that the system’s generosity is being abused by opportunists.

Furthermore foreign gangs have been scamming the Irish asylum system through human trafficking from countries which are clearly not war-torn, such as Albania and Georgia. Those two countries made up nearly 40% of applicants in 2019.

The inconvenient facts of false asylum claims and human trafficking are not dealt with in the report. Nowhere is it questioned whether far-flung asylum applicants truly belong in Ireland. Or whether diplomatic sanctions should be placed on a refugee’s country of origin for the claimed human rights violation. 

Why are there no protests by refugees and leftists outside of foreign embassies for these violations? Why is the solution ‘resettlement’ and not adequate temporary accommodation until their home situation is rectified? To find the real answer one must follow the money.

The report was lobbied for by a heavily-funded assortment of so-called ‘Civic Society Organisations’ (CSOs). The CSOs listed were the Irish Refugee Council, the Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland (MASI), the Jesuit Refugee Service, Nasc, Dorás Luimní and the Children’s Rights Alliance, as well as international bodies such as the UNHCR.

The author of the Government report is Catherine Day, who was the former Secretary General for the European Commission and who started her career as an investment banker in the Investment Bank of Ireland. 

From there she moved to the European Commission, and became a protegée of the late Goldman Sachs chairman Peter Sutherland. Sutherland is infamously known for having stated that the purpose of the EU should be to undermine the national homogeneity of member states through global immigration.

There can be no doubt that the new system of Direct Provision in Ireland will seek to do exactly that. Quoting from the leader of the Green Party Eamonn Ryan in late 2016, he states: “We have to start planning for being an island of 10 million people. And among that, bringing in people as refugees in scale, not just two hundred but a much larger number than that.” 

That statement dovetailed nicely with the Irish Business and Employers Confederation (Ibec) mid-2016 report subtitled: “A prosperous island of 10 million people“. Not a society of 10 million Irish mind you, but a business configuration of 10 million motley individuals. 

Eamonn Ryan has since become Minister for the Environment and Minister for Transport. His notion of ‘environmental sustainability’ is incompatible with a capitalist model of endless growth, but yet he is in coalition with the two main capitalist parties in Ireland, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil. He is delusional to think Ireland can offer a first-world standard of living to an additional 4 million people and for it not to have an environmental impact. 

Take for instance the fact that Irish Water is planning for a population increase in Dublin of 450,000 by 2040. They plan on building a €500m 13km underground sewer and sewage plant between Blanchardstown and Clonshaugh, described by local objectors as a ‘monster sewage plant‘, and will be roughly four times the size of Croke Park.

The new plant is needed already to treat the raw human sewage currently being pumped into Dublin Bay several times a year, which is supposedly a protected UNESCO biosphere. This indicates that Dublin is already overpopulated from a water treatment perspective, and that there is ongoing contamination of our fishing and swimming waters with human excrement, waste pharmaceuticals, and pathogens such as Covid-19.

Local campaigners have implicitly accepted the near half-million population increase in Dublin as a fait accompli, undoubtedly wanting to avoid any potential accusations of racism. They instead only oppose the facility on an ecological basis, not an economic one.

They criticise that the massive pipeline pumping fresh water into saline seawater will destroy the local ecosystem and beaches, but they do not, for example, criticise the Irish Central Bank for demanding more cheap labour imports. Money-grubbing is at the root of a lot of Ireland’s problems.

The Ringsend plant was no doubt unable to cope with the massive influx of non-nationals into Dublin over the past two decades. Originally built in 2005, the plant had a capacity to treat the waste of 1.64 million persons, but the current level of sewage is equivalent to a heaving population of 1.98 million. 

The situation also reveals that public planning was done only after the effects of mass immigration were realised and not before it. Someone or something is clearly putting the cart before the horse. The environmental, social and financial consequences of mass immigration are not understood by Green Party voters, or by the Irish public in general.

The Government of Ireland would do well to realise that its purpose is to serve the people of Ireland, not the people of the world; and certainly not the banks, foreign vulture funds or meat processing plants. They need to now be given a reminder of this fact.

Posted by Eric McMahon


  1. Dermot Mulqueen 28/10/2020 at 15:18

    #Loxism is Wacism.

    This Loxist Globo-Homo open borders, population replacement genocide of the indigenous Irish people is in breach of Article II of the 1948 UN Convention on Genocide.


  2. They won’t be housed beside the masonic freeloaders in the county council, at a guess


  3. Alan Woods 29/10/2020 at 11:43

    Not a pleasant vista. Inevitable confrontation.


  4. William Doyle 28/01/2025 at 14:04

    A very good article and most informative, we like all the citizens of Europe are been lied to, by Treacherous government and politicians.


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